
LinkedIn company pages let you provide value to your audience while giving them the chance to engage with your business, effectively establishing your credibility as a trusted resource.

In this article I outline 5 ways a LinkedIn company page can help your business stand out on LinkedIn:


In a lot of situations, the company description is someone’s first impression of your business.

Whether they’re job seekers looking for more info about your company, vendors seeking strategic partnership, or potential customers and clients checking you out, you want to captivate them immediately.

Most businesses copy and paste their About section from the company website. While that’s better than nothing, there’s a way to step it up a notch.

Write a description that directly speaks to the people who are visiting your company page, letting them know who you are and how you can benefit them.


Go to the Specialties section and add your keywords. This will make your company page a little easier to find.

Your keywords are likely your specialties. Make them known, so those searching can find your company.


Showcase pages are really subpages of your company page. You may want to use showcase pages if you have an annual event or a key product. You may even want to create a showcase page for customer service.

Each showcase page is meant to be a stand-alone page, with its own visuals, audience, content, and analytics.


Company page updates are where a lot of people drop the ball. A LinkedIn update is just like a Facebook update or a tweet. It is a few lines into a link.

You may also want to create custom images to go with your updates, just as you would do on other social media platforms.

There’s a lot of competition for attention in the LinkedIn feed. Post at least once, but ideally a few times a week, with content that will bring people to your company page. This will also keep your page relevant.


When you have a LinkedIn company page, you need to let people know. Sponsor updates and try LinkedIn ads to get the word out.

Also, put calls to action to follow your company page in your header and in updates. Plus, share your company page with your audience.

Your LinkedIn company page should be in your email signature. To get the best results, send an email blast.

Let people know you have a company page on LinkedIn and the benefits of following it.

LinkedIn is a business platform, so it’s fitting for your business to have a LinkedIn company page. Develop a page that stands out, and you’ll have a strong presence on this prominent business-focused social network.

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